Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catchin Up!

I'm trying to decide where to begin... It's been so long since I last posted, five months to be exact! I tend to procrastinate on things every once in a while, unfortunately, blogging is one of them.

I'll try to brief on everything what we did for each month.

February 2009:

We vacationed up at the Canyons Resort for a week (beginning Feb.) with my father. We all went skiing and snowboarding, and had a fantastic time. Caleb got to ski for the first time and he did pretty well for a four year old. He still needs to work on with his stopping skills. Every time when we get to the top, Caleb would go straight downhill without stopping and wasn't even terrified of falling. Brady had to chase Caleb downhill to catch him before he injuries himself. He's definitely a risk taker! Joshua did a great job at skiing and was able catch up with us without any problems. The last day up at the Canyons, we got to snowboard, our skills had improved since last winter. All of us were able to go on some blue runs. I was still slow and cautious about going down the blue runs. Brady and Timothy were experts! Remember, I'm only a girl. :)

Just Caleb, sorry! My father has the rest of the pictures, will post them later.

Timothy entered the Science Fair on Feb. 12th. He did a amazing job with his project. He chose the topic "Spiralocity" relating to football and did everything himself. (Of course, I aided him a little with the board to make it look nice and tidy ;)) He was one of the first 6 contestants with the best project. I'm proud of him.


A good friend of mine, Kelli thought up of something like CRAZY! We had a girls night out on Feb. 13th (Friday the 13th) with 20 something girls. All of us had to dress up like we did at the prom during the 80's. No boys allowed. It was a actually a surprise. All of the girls knew nothing about what would happen on that night. Kelli passed out stashes for us to wear that stated "Prom Queen 1980" and crowns for our heads, then Kelli took us to the secret destination...the MALL! All of us giggled that we had to go in and order dinner from the food court all dressed up. As we got in, we had stares from shoppers, but we didn't mind because we were there to have fun. After dinner, Kelli gave each one of the girls an assignment to do...something embarrassing in front of everyone like asking a boy for his phone number, giving a stranger a hug, put about 50 different kinds of perfumes from Bath and Body Works, sing off key in front of an employee, etc. I got the part where I had to dance in front of everyone. I couldn't believe it, but all of us did it. We had a great time and it would be a once in a lifetime experience for us, I hope.

That's me in a silly outfit. It was a dress that my mom wore to church during the 80's. It was a last minute thing so that was what I had to wear.

Melanie had to ask a boy to take her for a ride on the carousel as a part of her dare.

Sharelle waving everybody...she did a dare by putting perfume all over her. We thought she would stink but it wasn't too bad.

Girls eating their dinner at the mall.

On Valentines, Brady and I went out to eat with our good friends, Sharelle and JR, and Rachel and Chad at the Market Street Grill. Great place, good food! We had a good time, but Sharelle and I were so tired from the night before cuz we stayed up til 4AM talking with the girls. We were planning to watch a movie after our meal but couldn't, cuz both of us could not stay awake! Zzzzzz

Brady was gone most of the weekends to go snowmobiling with his friends and sometimes Timothy would go with him. I stayed home with the boys. Boring! Now that the snowmobiling season is over. It's nice to see Brady home on weekends.

Some of the weekends, we would go up to Ogden to remodel my grandmother's house. She passed away like two to three years ago. The house wasn't even cleared out completely as of this month (Feb.). The basement was full of junk that my grandfather had saved over the years. It was difficult for us to drive back and forth and to go through everything in the basement. It took us a lot of our time. My parents were hoping to have it done by summertime. (It's still not completed yet...but close. We'll be starting on finish work at the end of July, but at least all the stuff is out! :))

March 2009:

My parents took us, Jeff and his girlfriend, Dana, and my Gramma Thorne to Disney World on March 6th til 14th. My parents were there a week before we came. They stayed there for two weeks, when we could only stay for a week cuz of Brady's job. The boys were excited about going there. The first park we went to was Animal Kingdom, then we went to a different one for each day. We went to Planet Hollywood and Universal Studios on Tuesday, it was so hot on that day, but we had a great time. I wasn't able to go to the Disney Studios on Wednesday, because I got the flu. I had been throwing up all night. It was food poisoning that I got from Cape May, a restaurant at the Beach Resort. I stayed in my room all day. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't go, but at least I got some rest. :) . Thursday, we were able to go to Blizzard Beach water park. The boys were begging us to go there everyday, so today we went, so I could take it easy with the flu and all. I was feeling much better. The last day of the trip, I was able to go to the Disney Studios for only 2 hours to try out a new ride called Toy Story. It was a neat ride, almost like the Buzz Light Year, but I liked the new one better. Everyone should try it, it was kinda cute.

We were supposed to visit Julie at the time we were down in Orlando, but many things came up unexpectedly and we hadn't had the chance to meet. Brady and I were thinking about flying down to Orlando next year in August to see Julie and her family to attend their wedding and to go on a cruise for our 13th anniversary.

April 2009:

On Easter Sunday, I had to prepare and teach Sharing time. I got the boys new suits a week before for them to wear to church today and for Joshua's baptism next month. They look real handsome in them. After church, we had an Easter egg hunt at my place, then I made dinner for the Thornes family at my place.

Easter Egg Hunt

Brady had surgery on his left foot on April 24th. Brady's feet had been bothering him over the years, especially if he was on his feet all day. Brady went to the doctor to find out what was wrong. The doctor did an x-ray and found out that he had an extra bone on both of his feet. This time, the doctor removed a bone from Brady's left foot, and he had to wear a cast for 6 weeks. After his left foot heals, he'll have another surgery on his right foot, maybe sometime this September.

I think this may be the only picture I have Brady with his cast on. I had forgotten to take a picture of his foot! I could do it again next time with his other foot. Brady might pick a pink one for his other foot!

On Joshua's birthday, April 30th, we took Joshua and his friends to a place called "Jump On It". It was a place full of trampolines where everyone could jump. I have tried it before with my friends and all of us peed our pants because our bladders were weak from our previous pregnancies, but we all loved it and it was a great exercise for us. Just to warn you girls, be sure to wear a PAD before you go! :) The boys had pizza, cake and ice cream. Joshua had a nice eighth birthday and was looking forward being baptized. Grandma and Grandpa surprised us by showing up for Joshua's birthday. They flew to Utah from Texas for Joshua's baptism and Jackie's shower. It was nice to see them again.

Joshua trying out the bungee


May 2009

Joshua was baptized on May 2nd 2009 by his grandfather, Ben Cluff and was confirmed by his another grandfather, Willes Thorne at Utah Valley Deaf Ward. Brady couldn't baptize Josh because of his cast on his foot. He couldn't get it wet or it would become infected, doctor's orders. So Josh asked both of his grandfathers to do the baptismal ordinances for him. The children sang Joshua's favorite song, Nephi's Courage. It was a special day for Joshua. All of us went to Brick Oven for lunch afterwards.
Ben Cluff and Joshua

All the cousins plus other children


After lunch at Brick Oven, all of the girls rushed for Jackie's bridal shower and to get everything ready. I was the last sister-in-law to show up. It went very well and Jackie got some nice things. I'm very happy for Jackie.

That was Timothy all dressed up like Abraham Lincoln for the wax museum before the school year ended. He was not allowed to talk. We could only press a button in front of the figures and they would do a small speech about the person. Timothy did a great job memorizing it. Too bad, his hat wasn't tall enough. I searched everywhere to find a hat taller than this. I should have thought about making one instead of buying one, but didn't. He still looked great though, maybe he looked a bit more of Amish than Abraham Lincoln. What do you think?


Caleb's preschool graduation for three year olds. He'll be going back to preschool again this Fall. He has to wait til next year to begin kindergarten. He'll be 5 this November!


On Memorial Day weekend, we went up to Ogden and we finally got everything out of my grandmother's home. We were glad that everything was out of the way so we could start plastering the drywall.

On Memorial Day, May 25th was Brady's birthday, we went over to one of our friend's house to have a dutch oven dinner. We had chicken, veggies, and peach cobbler. It was yummy. None of my friends knew it was Brady's birthday cuz I forgot to tell them until when the peach cobbler was about done cooking. Our friends surprised Brady with candles on top of the peach cobbler and sang "Happy Birthday" to him. All of us snickered at Brady and Brady was trying to figure out what was so funny until when we brought him the dutch oven with candles on top to sing him the birthday song. Brady didn't want me to tell them that it was his birthday, but I did it anyway and was glad that I remembered about it just in time. Naughty me...hmm. While the boys did their dutch oven thing, the girls looked over the memory book that MeLea made for her daughter, Shelbi to remember her by. It was very touching.

On the 29th, we drove up to Logan for Jackie's pre-wedding dinner at her fiance's parent's house. It looked very much like in cowboy style. It was pretty interesting especially with their huge red barn in their yard. The next morning, Jackie and Keith were married at Logan temple. The wedding ceremony went beautifully and had our pictures taken at the temple. Then we all went home to get everything ready for the reception. As soon as I got home, I had to finish making 100 more bars for the reception. I was told to bring 400 of them, but I only did 300, which at least I was glad that I only did 300, not 400 cuz all of us brought too much food for the reception anyway. I should have made only 200 instead. You would never know how many people might show up. Better be prepared than have none at all. I helped Carolee to put flowers on her cake. The wind was blowing so hard and blew flowers off from the cake. We couldn't make the flowers stay til I had an idea was to use PINS. It worked like a charm! The reception looked gorgeous with all of these bold colors that Jackie picked...bright pink, orange, yellow, green, and red. Different, but cute. I'm glad it didn't rain on that day cuz it looked like it was about to, but never did. Jackie's prayers were answered, Hallelujah! :)

All the cousins
Helping Carolee with the wedding cake.

All the marrieds

The day after the wedding, was Ryder's baby blessing. It was Valerie and Nelson's first living son after having four girls. They waited and waited for a son and now their time came. Finally! :) We went to Valerie's place to attend the blessing. It was short and sweet, but glad that the whole family was there for Ryder. Ryder looked adorable in his blessing outfit.

Too bad it's not a picture of Ryder, it's a dog I made for Ryder out of the book called "Sock and Glove". It looked too cute!

Here's the picture of Ryder. This was taken at Jackie's reception.

June 2009

Now that school's out! The boys took swimming and basketball lessons at the Orem Recreation Center for three weeks to keep them busy.
Jeff's finally graduated from Stevens Henagers college. He got a job there, too. We are proud of him!

Brady and I attended to a temple sealing for Rachel, Chad, and their two year old son at the new Draper temple. I had not been there so it was my first time. It was a cute temple and it was much smaller than the other ones in Utah. Every time when I see a child being sealed with parents for all time and eternity, it always made me cry. It's the part where I know that families can be together forever without doubt. I'm very happy for them.

We drove up to Bear Lake with our friends, JR and Sharelle to camp and boat. Timothy's friend, AJ joined with us, also. Our other friends Jayson, William, and their families who live by Bear Lake joined with us during the day, but not during at night cuz they live only 5 minutes away from the campground we stayed at. We were able to get a boat from one of our friends up in SLC. It was a nice boat and I was amazed that he would let us borrow it. We didn't water ski much cuz the water was like 60 degrees...ICE COLD, but it was so beautiful and peaceful out there. All the boys water skied like once and all girls didn't even dare to get into the water. It would have been better if we had waited til August to water ski when the water was warm, but we had a great time being together. Hopefully, we'll get that boat again when we go to Lake Powell in August where the water is warm, so that way we'll stay in the water more often, not on the boat where we spent our time coveting it. JK :)

Mastercraft boat, nice!
Oh no, where's the rest of the body?

Brady had started working on our yard. We got the trenches dug out and soon we'll be putting our sprinkler system in as soon as Brady has the time, then we'll begin. I'll be glad to have grass in no time!

Boys... hard at work

July 2009

Miles, my cousin, arrived home from his mission on the 2nd. Our boys went to the airport with my parents to see Miles. I'll bet it's awkward for him to be home and all, but I'm sure he'll be back to his old self within a few weeks. We'll be going to his homecoming on this Sunday and to see him as well.

On the 3rd, we had a ward party in our neighborhood and everyone gathered up in front of our house. We had a kid's parade, Timothy rode Nelson's old motorbike for the parade. It kept breaking down, but we fixed it once it broke down so he could make it around the block. We had dinner, music, dancing, and fireworks. It was a blast!

On the fourth, my parents took the boys with them to Ogden for the Fourth of July event up at West Point. They watched the parade and the fireworks. We decided not to go up to Ogden so we could get stuff ready for our yard. We went out to eat at Yapona, Japanese restaurant in American Fork. Good food, very much like Happy Sumo's at the Riverwoods. It's nice to be without kids every once a while and it's been a while we did not have any kids with us. So that's a date for Brady and I.
Timothy's birthday was last week Thursday. He's eleven now. Acck! He's growing up fast. Soon he'll be in teens. Timothy had a great time at "Jump On It' with his friend, Kyle during the day. During in the evening, all of us went to Trafalga with the rest of Timothy's friends to go-karting and ride the new theatre ride. We had some blond brownies (Timothy's favorite) instead of having cake. I haven't been making very many cakes during the year, the boys do not like to eat cake very much. I wish I knew why.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Check out this girl's hair! It looks gorgeous. Unfortunately, I do not have a little girl to do this. All I have are boys! Those of you with little girls, you can get tutorials like this picture above from: Give it a try!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Who would buy this?


Monday, January 5, 2009

Shelbi Kay Elwell

We were saddened with the news of what happened to the Elwell's six year old and their only daughter when we received a message from Rian that morning on New Years Eve. Shelbi passed away on December 30, 2008 from a sudden illness at American Fork Hospital. They believed that Shelbi had a bowel obstruction or a blockage inside in her tummy area that caused her death. The Elwells were our closest friends over the years. It broke our hearts that the Elwells had to go through this difficult time. Rian and MeLea were one of most amazing parents I had ever known and they were so good with their children. They knew what was best for them and had taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our boys used to play with Shelbi every time we visited the Elwells. We are still praying for them each day that they may have peace over this and we'll never forget Shelbi. I'm sure she's happy with her deceased friends and family in the Spirit World. We know that we will see her again someday.

Here's the obituary:

“Shelbi Kay Elwell 2002 ~ 2008 Our little princess, Shelbi Kay Elwell, age six, passed away from a sudden illness on Dec. 30, 2008.Shelbi was born to her loving parents, Rian and MeLea Elwell on Feb. 26, 2002. Shelbi loved princesses, Barbies, playing with her cousins, her brothers, and her many friends. She was a happy and fun loving little girl. She shared hugs and kisses with her family. She attended Pony Express Elementary School where she was in the first grade. Survived by her parents, her brothers, Cameron, Nathan and Carter, grandparents, Brad and Debra Sheppard, Ted and Roxene Kresser, Jack and Marsha Elwell, great grandparents, Grant and Karen Stubbs, RueLeen Sheppard, Susan Elwell, Frankie Barney, aunts, uncles, and many cousins. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Jan. 3, 2009 at 11 a.m. at the Eagle Mountain East Stake Center, 4506 E. Pony Express Parkway, Eagle Mountain, Utah. Viewings Friday evening from 6-8 p.m. at the church and Saturday 9:30-10:45 a.m. prior to the funeral. Burial, American Fork Cemetery.”

We attended their viewing that Saturday. There was so much we wanted to offer for the Elwells. It was tough seeing MeLea and Rian greiving over this. The funeral went beautifully and it was FULL! I was grateful that MeLea and Rian had so many friends and family there to support them. We all love you, Rian and MeLea!