Thursday, January 24, 2008

Brady's knee is doing much better. He whacked his knee from snowmobiling a week ago. He went to UVRMC to see Spencer to do a MRI. So far it was just a torn muscle. *whew* I was glad it wasn't broken or anything. Brady needed to have his knee to complete tile job at the house where Kimball was contracting. He continues to risk on everything to have the time in his life. He's tough anyway, so no need to worry. *wink*

But the bad news, I had to have my large mole removed from my upper thigh and had stitches. I had pain in my leg for a week and couldn't walk as well for few days. Now, I'm doing much better, and I'm able to do things around the house. Hey guys, do you want to take a look at my stitches for those who are not the faint of the heart?

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